How do I add clickable email & phone number links?

You can easily add clickable email and phone number links to any element in the same way you would add a regular link.

How to add a clickable email to your link:

  • Select the element you want to add link to. Add a Link property from the right properties panel by clicking the plus icon next to link. Enter "mailto:" followed by your email address in "Link To" field and hit enter.

How to add a clickable phone to your link:

  • Select the element you want to add link to. Add a Link property from the right properties panel by clicking the plus icon next to link. Enter "tel:" followed by your phone number in "Link To" field and hit enter.

How to add a clickable sms to your link:

  • Select the element you want to add link to. Add a Link property from the right properties panel by clicking the plus icon next to link. Enter "sms:" followed by your phone number in "Link To" field and hit enter.

These links might not work in preview mode and you might need to publish your site to test.