How to submit a template

Are you ready to share your creativity with the Framer audience? Follow this simple guide to learn how to prepare your template, what to expect during the review, and what happens after you submit.

Sharing your templates on the Marketplace not only showcases your work to a vast community but also allows you to retain 100% of the revenue on every sale, earn income from free templates through affiliate links, and benefit from no mandatory minimum submissions while gaining exposure with thousands of daily page views in one of the fastest-growing creator economies.

Before you submit

Before submitting, make sure your template is fully prepared. Begin by testing it thoroughly to catch any bugs or issues, and ensure your design is consistent and adheres to web design best practices. Verify that all details—from the template’s name and description to the images and contact information—are complete and accurate. It’s also important to review the specific submission requirements to guarantee a high-quality experience. When you’re ready, you can easily submit your template by following the detailed instructions available in this guide.

The review process

Once your template is submitted through the Creator Dashboard, it enters a carefully managed review process, which is estimated to take up to 21 days.

During the initial review—lasting up to 7 days—our team verifies that your template meets all the basic submission requirements. At this stage, your template will either be advanced to a more in-depth review or be rejected with a brief explanation. If it passes the initial screening, your template then moves into the official review phase, which can take up to 14 days, during which we evaluate its design and overall quality.

At the end of this process, you will receive one of two outcomes: if your template meets our design standards, you will be notified by email and your template will be published shortly; if it falls short but shows potential for improvement, we will provide detailed feedback and guidance to help you refine your work.

After you submit

After your template is submitted, you can track its progress directly in your Creator Dashboard. The status may be indicated as

  • Draft, if it’s still being prepared or resubmitted.

  • Pending, during the initial review.

  • In Review, during the detailed phase.

  • Published, when it goes live on the Marketplace.

  • Archived, for long-term safekeeping.

Reviews can take up to 21 days depending on the complexity of your template, and while our goal is to be as prompt and fair as possible, some fluctuations in the timeline may occur. If you need to make any fixes after submission, minor changes can be updated as part of the ongoing review process; however, for major issues, please email us immediately at Also, please note that any attempts to manipulate rankings or copy others’ work are considered policy violations and will result in template removal and possible account suspension.

Submit to other marketplaces

In addition to the Framer Marketplace, you’re welcome to sell your templates on other platforms such as SuperbThemes, UI8, Creative Market, or Reframer. These additional opportunities can help you expand your audience even further.

If you need help or have specific questions about templates, please feel free to reach out to us at