Infinite scrolling and SEO

Infinite scrolling offers a seamless reading experience, but raises SEO concerns related to Core Web Vitals and website crawling.

What is Cumulative Layout Shift?

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric that measures the total of all unexpected layout shifts that occur during the page’s lifespan. A layout shift happens whenever a visible element changes its position from one rendered frame to the next—for example, when a footer is pushed down by newly loaded content.

How can I minimize the impact on SEO?

High CLS can negatively affect your site’s rankings, as Google prioritizes sites with stable, user-friendly layouts. Infinite scrolling can lead to high CLS if not implemented with attention to layout stability. To reduce layout shifts, avoid placing key elements like footers or other fixed-position elements below the loading content. This approach will help keep CLS low and protect your SEO.