
What’s new.


What’s new.


What’s new.

This update introduces Drafts to Framer. Drafts are helpful for working on Pages that should not be published immediately. This feature is especially useful for larger teams that publish often and want to make sure that anything in progress won’t end up on their live site. Drafts are available for Pages, CMS, and Locales. You can view Drafts on the Canvas and preview them, but they won’t be published to your staging or live site. Any new Page is marked as a Draft out of the box. Drafts are available for every workspace with a Pro or Enterprise plan.

  • Added Drafts for Pages, CMS Items, and Locales in Pro & Enterprise Workspaces

  • Added a preference to enable or disable automatically saving new content as draft

  • Added a “Replace this page with…” action to replace a selected page with a draft

The July Update brings OpenType support to Framer. Get much more out of your typefaces, like Inter. Select any custom or Fontshare font, then head over to the properties to explore OpenType features. With search and realtime previews, you can quickly learn more about each OpenType feature your selected font supports. Following Text Effects, Text Balance, Text Stroke, and Text Masks, typography in Framer is now better than ever. More below.

  • Added OpenType support to all Fontshare fonts

  • Added OpenType support to all Custom fonts

  • Added Inter Text 4.0 as our new default

  • Added Inter Display 4.0 for headings

  • Improved the automatic Variant—Breakpoint naming

  • Improved the default Inter font available within Framer

  • Improved the display Inter, swapping Tight with Display

  • Fixed duplicated relative layers in Grids not preserving size

  • Fixed a bug where uploading custom fonts failed quietly

  • Fixed a bug where removed Masks would keep showing

  • Fixed Date and Time inputs having inconsistent heights

  • Fixed a bug causing Page names to display incorrectly

  • Fixed Variant switching not ending appear animations

  • Fixed line height having no impact on inputs in Forms

  • Fixed a bug where balanced Text could be truncated

  • Fixed hidden not working on Select inputs in Forms

July 16, 2024

Introducing Text Effects — your message, now in motion. Animate characters, words, lines, and even elements. With a realtime preview, designing unique effects has never been easier. Pick one of our presets, or craft your own effects with properties like Scale, Blur, Offset, and more. Animate your content on Appear, or use the Layer In View or Section In View triggers for even more control. Be sure to watch the video to learn how to add your first Text Effect.

  • Animate characters, words, lines, and elements

  • Pick one of our built-in presets to start in seconds

  • Customize properties like Blur, Scale, 3D, and more

  • Craft your own animations by fine-tuning Transition

  • Trigger on Appear, Layer in View, or Section in View

This update brings several enhancements and bug fixes to the CMS. Firstly, it introduces support for blockquotes in rich text fields, allowing full flexibility when styling them on the canvas. Additionally, automatic anchor tags for rich text headings have been added, making it effortless to share URLs for specific sections of your content. A new image style property enables you to style images when you drag & drop them into rich text fields. In the CMS view, you can now add field dividers to better organize CMS detail pages, with optional titles and descriptions for each divider. The max length option has been updated to display a character count as you type, helping you stay within the required length. Lastly, the sorting of items has been improved making it a persistent preference. Here’s the full list of improvements.

  • Added support for blockquotes in the CMS rich text field

  • Added automatic anchor tags for rich text content

  • Added image styles for pictures dropped inline

  • Added the ability to set which layer repeats the CMS content

  • Added field dividers to better organize CMS detail pages

  • Added a character count indicator for fields with a max length

  • Added Previous and Next buttons in CMS detail views

  • Added a New Item button empty state for empty collections

  • Improved the way rich text properties are displayed in the canvas

  • Improved the sorting labels to be A → Z, 1 → 9, Newest → Oldest

  • Improved the way sorting works, making it persistent

  • Improved the way duplicate URLs are resolved

  • Improved the controls for the image filter option

June 27, 2024

The June update brings over 20 additions, improvements, and bug fixes. It introduces the Text Balance property, which lets the browser visually balance your headings for you. Plus, you can now sort your Pages and Folders alphabetically, animate between solid colors and gradients, reset Stack order from a Breakpoint, make Text layers auto-sized with the ⇧A shortcut, and more. Watch the video above to learn more, and see all changes below.

  • Added the Balance property to Text layers

  • Added support for color and gradient animations

  • Added support for Text Stroke animations in Variants

  • Added all Stack layout options to layers with min-sizing

  • Added ability to sort Pages and Folders alphabetically

  • Added a new auto-sizing shortcut for Text layers: ⇧A

  • Added all compositing properties to gradient Masks

  • Added a new Component errors to the publishing sheet

  • Added ability to disconnect Google Account via Settings

  • Improved naming between Tap and Click in interactions

  • Improved property focus and blur states of dropdowns

  • Improved the default min size of grids from 200 → 50

  • Fixed bug causing double Home pages

  • Fixed Text Strokes not working with Styles

  • Fixed Preview shortcuts working on Canvas

  • Fixed rotation input not working on Shapes

  • Fixed 3D rotation input not resetting 2D properly

  • Fixed Color Variables breaking animations in Variants

  • Fixed the ul tag breaking padding of Collection Lists

  • Fixed the Transition row showing accidentally in Variants

  • Fixed letter spacing not working properly on Form Inputs

  • Fixed Form submissions breaking for non-latin characters

June 20, 2024

We’re incredibly excited to introduce Forms. Enjoy 10+ input types and a uniquely freeform editing experience. Design your own inputs, focus states, checked states, loading states, success states, and so much more. Send your data via email, connect to Google Sheets, or set-up your own custom Webhook. Forms in Framer are secure too, with spam protection, rate limiting, and a fallback email. We think you’ll love it. Learn more about Forms here.

  • 4 Input Categories: Text, Checkboxes, Radio Groups, and Select Controls

  • 8 Text Types: Text, Text Area, Email, Number, Phone, URL, Date, and Time

  • Design your own Inputs, complete with custom Focus and Checked states

  • Freeform experience with infinite layouts, including editable Text Labels

  • Reusable via Components, complete with Variant and Variable support

  • Connected with customizable emails, Google Sheets, and Webhooks

  • Customize the email content, like Recipient, Name, Subject, and Body

  • Safe and secure with Spam Protection, Rate Limiting and Fallbacks

  • Redirect on Submit, show an Overlay, or update the Button or Form

  • Customizable input icons out of the box, with great Framer defaults

  • Create high-fidelity motion-based input interactions using Variants

  • Design your own Invalid states and write your own error messaging

  • Refreshed all standalone Input components available within Insert