Tracking visitors with Framer’s built-in Analytics

Gain valuable insights into how your site and pages are performing.

Gain valuable insights into how your site and pages are performing.

Your site is up and running — time to relax and let visitors from around the globe enjoy your work. But how is the site performing? Is anyone even showing up? Are they finding what they’re looking for? Where can we make improvements? This is where Framer’s new and improved analytics come in. They’re built in, included with every plan, and automatically doing their thing behind the scenes. No need for any overwhelming or costly third party tools. And built-in analytics are more accurate since they’re an integral part of your site and don’t get blocked by ad blockers. In fact, by anonymizing user data, these analytics are fully GDPR compliant without the need for a cookie banner. Let’s take a look at how Framer’s analytics give us key insights into how our sites and pages are performing.

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